Sunday, August 24, 2008

Pressing Through

This weekend I attended a men's ministry retreat at the Marionist Retreat Center, and it was a great retreat. The theme was Pressing Through, appropriately named given the incredible challenges some of the men are facing. It had what most good retreats have--times of silence, lots of laughter, prayer, games, worship, and straight talk about challenging issues. The final service was particularly moving; Mickey Davis spoke about the tragic loss of his wife in a car accident. What did I come away with? Several things, but let me share one.

I came away with a fresh realization that I cannot lead anyone to places I've never been. I can point to the far off country--I can describe what others have said it's like--but a large part of my responsibility as a spiritual leader is to go to the place where God is calling his people, to go there so I can lead others there as well. In the same way, men cannot lead their families to places they've never been. And so I pray that God will lead the men of our church so that we might lead those under our care.

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