Monday, March 10, 2008

Surving An A-BoMb

What's an A-BoMb? The word A-Bomb usually refers to atom-bomb. However, in Jaredese, A-BoMb stands for Annual Business Meeting, as in The Annual Church Business Meeting (spoken in a deep voice with lots of reverb). Why am I thinking about an A-BoMb? I survived leading my first one last night. The difficulty is not so much in preparing for the questions you know are's preparing for the questions you know you can't know are coming. The A-BoMb turned out to be anything but explosive (thanks to the wonderful people at WCAG). So what do I take away from such an experience?

It's a great metaphor for trusting God. You prepare for all the stuff you know is coming, but fear of the unknown is usually the most unnerving. What if this? What if that? Trusting God means that after we have done everything we can to prepare ourselves for life and godliness, we rest in the knowledge that He knows what we can't and He will provide what we need, when we need it, even if it's a well-timed motion to adjourn:o)

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